Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Spiritual but not Religious

This is not Buddha.
I've recently been looking for love through an online dating site that has something to do with fish and how abundant they are. There may be plenty of them, but many of them are plenty crazy. (I'm talking about you, JoeyLovesToes and Ramrod69.)

Imagine my surprise when a seemingly normal guy, who lived in my area and could spell, wrote to me. After several intelligent emails back and forth, he asked me about my "spiritual but not religious" designation in the religion category.

I briefly explained my current beliefs, which really fit no organized religion completely, and most organized religions somewhat. I asked about his beliefs, and got back a message about how he is "very active in the atheist community."


There is an "atheist community"?! What do they do? Meet weekly and preach about the lack of deities? Try to witness to others about how not believing in God is the answer to their prayers? Do they collect tithes to send to other countries with less fortunate atheists?

I mean, more power to you dude. (Or not, if there is no Power in which you believe?) But it hit me in that moment, reading that email, how strongly I DO believe in some kind of Power. I don't know what it is. But I know it's not me. Or maybe it is me. Or a part of me. Or I'm a part of it. Or something.

At any rate, I knew, without a doubt, that I could not have a long term, meaningful relationship with someone who didn't believe there was a Power greater than himself. I also cannot have a meaningful relationship with someone who regularly attends the local church I've dubbed "Six Flags over Jesus." (It takes up an entire city block, I swear.) And I believe there is someone out there for me who exists somewhere in between. And I'm going to find him. So help me, God.

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